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Primary Flow

Primary Flow

Primary Flow is one of the global leaders in flow meters, nozzles, and other related products. The company was founded in the early 1980s by a man named DeszoeHalmi. The products that the company produces are used by businesses all around the world for important business and safety functions.

Primary Flow provides products for all of the following industry:

  • The Oil and Gas Industry
  • The Power Generation Industry
  • The Automotive Industry
  • The Industrial Industry
  • The Municipal Water and Wastewater Industry

Primary Flow provides products in all of the following categories:

  • Venturi Primary Flow Elements
  • Wedgetype Flow Elements
  • Orifice Flow Elements
  • Certification/Special Material
  • Instrumentation Packages
  • PTC-6 Flow Elements

The Wedgetype Flow metering is especially beneficial for companies in the Oil and Gas industry because this type of metering is designed for highly viscous slurry type or contaminated fluid line applications.

However, regardless of water fluids you have moving through your lines, you can count on Primary Flow meters to be able to accurately assess your lines and to help keep your workers safe. Safety is the top priority for any business. So, if you are looking to improve the safety levels at your business, then you should strongly consider using Primary Flow products.

We have carried Primary Flow products for many years due to their superior quality and reliability. If you have any questions about Primary Flow products, then please feel free to contact us. We will provide you with any information that you require.

Our Mission & Core Values

Our mission is to be the leader in providing a one stop shop for all electrical, instrumentation and automation material needs.

Core Values

Team dependability
Open mindedness
Good humor

Knowledgeable, Dependable and Trustworthy

We provide parts & rentals to the oil and gas sector and are committed to servicing all points of Alberta and British Columbia. We are knowledgeable, dependable and trustworthy.

We're the One-Stop-Shop You've Been Looking For

We stock:

Hypress and dies

Hart 475

Testo-combustion analyzer

Baker can /dead weights

Brady labelers

Portable lights

Materials we carry: